Monday, January 19, 2015

Project Two: The Dandelion Pikachu

Spent € 12.50 and auctioned for € 25.00

Kevin: I love the first generation Pokémons, the old days when you would wake up and immediatly run downstairs to turn on the tv just to watch Pokémon. 

Nathalie: When we grew old and bigger the Pokémon franchise did too. With currently 6 Generations and over 700 to catch I kind of miss the days where you would just play for hours to catch that last one you needed.

Kevin: I remember asking all my friends for that one Pokémon I couldn't find, Weedle was apparently a Pokémon obtained by trading only. Pokémon Yellow was such a great follow up on Blue and Red. I played those games until the save battery gave up on me. How I miss those days.

Nathalie: With all that nostalgia in mind we decided to go with a Pikachu. Not just because he's probably the most famous and favorite Pokémon off all time. He's also kind of the trademark to the whole Pokémon franchise. So we started out with a blank Game Boy Color Dandelion and just painted the cute little electric mouse.

We finally decided to auction off our projects. With the money we receive we are going to invest in more retro consoles to do paint jobs on. So if you have any requests that you think might work or would look awesome, post a comment. We'd be happy to hear!

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